The goal of Coffee Addicts Anonymous is to provide a high quality hardcore raiding experience for its members. We are always looking for exceptional applicants of any class / spec. We mostly use Thursday and Sunday for raids but this can change on progress and ptr.
We do PTR and extra days on launch of new content. Basically its sweaty for new stuff then smash it in a day once its on farm.
Open to pumpers in general.
Need - Any pumpy dps x1 (not bothered what class) A healer (no class preference except disc) if you're really good.
Times are 1930-2230 Thursday and Sunday is 1900-2230. Sometimes WCL randomly changes the times but that's the times.
If you are interested, contact Sid#6532 on Discord. If you don't get a response, pm someone in game - sometimes discord is funny.
Contact information hasn't been set
Coffee Addicts Anonymous plays 2 times per week for a total of 6h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Thu | 19:30 | 3 hours |
Sun | 19:00 | 3h 30m |
This data is based on Coffee Addicts Anonymous's recent reports.
Coffee Addicts Anonymous is recruiting!
What activities is Coffee Addicts Anonymous recruiting for?
Not Set
What is the primary language used in Coffee Addicts Anonymous?